

AI innovations to make skincare & beauty trials more predictive

E-Commerce Summit

Bringing in an innovation

Keeping the AI revolution and how brands were tweaking it to craft their market reach and customer approaches, let’s look at an innovation making waves in the market. Perfect Corp., the leading augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) beauty and fashion tech solutions provider today announced a new partnership with Argentinian cosmetic brand, ACF (Advanced Cosmeceutical Formulations). Through this partnership, ACF will integrate Perfect Corp.’s AI-powered Skin Diagnostic technology that enables an assessment of key skin concerns, including wrinkles, moisture, and redness, and provide each customer with a skin care regimen customized to their individual needs. This technology is poised to enhance ACF consumers’ shopping experience by enabling them to receive an instant skin evaluation directly on their mobile devices.

With the integration of Perfect Corp.’s advanced AI Skin Diagnostic Technology, ACF looks forward to driving digital transformation and creating a personalized skincare experience for each customer.

Driving Digital Transformation 

ACF provides its customers with the latest innovations in skincare. The brand offers products with advanced cosmetic technology, including a complete line of skincare routines featuring serums, peel-off masks, and sheet masks that offer effective solutions and skin results.

In recent years, ACF has focused on developing a robust digital presence through social media and e-commerce platforms. The brand has also begun increasing its presence in Latin American countries, including Chile and Bolivia, with plans to expand to Paraguay, Uruguay, and Colombia.

AI Skin Diagnostic Provides Each Customer with Personalized Product Recommendations

By leveraging Perfect Corp.’s AI-powered Skin Diagnostic technology, ACF can guarantee personalized product recommendations, tailored to each customer’s skin concerns. With this AI-powered technology, ACF is creating an immersive skincare shopping experience for all customers and expects to see increased customer engagement across the shopping journey.

To further gain insights and get to know more about AI and its developments, do not miss out on Asia’s largest Ecommerce Summit in India -Internet Commerce Summit 2022.

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